Jurica Jelic / Distant Memories
Album: Distant Memories   Collection:General
Artist:Jurica Jelic   Added:Jan 2013

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-02-02 Pull Date: 2013-04-07 Charts: Classical/Experimental
Week Ending: Apr 7 Mar 24 Mar 10 Feb 17 Feb 10 Feb 3
Airplays: 1 1 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Apr 02, 2013: Pumping Tires
Seaside Sketches
4. Feb 12, 2013: Post PACC Dryer
Seaside Sketches
2. Mar 21, 2013: minimum entropy ii
On Rainy Sunset (Cello)
5. Feb 07, 2013: Ghost Trees
On Rainy Sunset (Cello)
3. Mar 07, 2013: mammogram marathon
Dissolved (19tet)
6. Feb 02, 2013: Everything 2.0
Postcard From Hinterland

Album Review
miss information
Reviewed 2013-01-30
Jurica Jelic
Distant Memories
Alrealon Musique

Electronics and field recordings and fretless guitar inspired by forgotten memories
1. (4:52) Dissoved (19tet) Bendy electronic french horns and tuba getting all fuzzed up
2. (4:40) Broken bells. Goofy creepy show creeping up on you, gets quiet
3. (5:10) Scene 21. Distorted hushed voice, insects, quiet
4. (4:00) Postcard from hinterland. Bells, distant whirring robots, birds
5. (5:25) Notebook drawings. Abrasive dial tone, humming and beeps
6. (4:50) Violet days (10tet). Accordion, thermion, sweet gooey, fog horns
7. (8:10) Seaside sketches. Sand friction, repetitive guitar, geese
8. (3:50) Lost grains (bassoon). Whirls and fog horns
9. (6:25) On rainy sunset (cello). Trickling stream, sparse laser beams, slow motion muted explosions, Silent movie

Track Listing
1. Dissolved (19tet)   6. Violet Days (10tet)
2. Broken Bells   7. Seaside Sketches
3. Scene 21   8. Lost Grains (Bassoon)
4. Postcard From Hinterland   9. On Rainy Sunset (Cello)
5. Notebook Drawings   .