Illus / Forever
Album: Forever   Collection:Hip-hop
Artist:Illus   Added:Jun 2012
Label:Illus Media  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2012-06-30 Pull Date: 2012-09-02 Charts: Hip-Hop

Recent Airplay
1. Jul 14, 2024: MHz broadcast - 07.14.24
Forever F. Apathy

Album Review
Reviewed 2012-06-25
(CLEAN) 07. Illus - Forever f. Apathy - Illus Media): Two Connecticut emcees finally team up on a track together. Apathy from the ‘Demigodz’ collective hooks up with Illus to bring a tru school boom bap anthem that will get your head noddin. Apathy also did the production using a familiar staple to hip hop chop up the sample and rocks it with stabs minus the familiar horn section. The hook incorporates KRS One’s line ‘we will be here forever’ and I am sure these cats will… – M-SMOOTH

Track Listing
  1. Forever F. Apathy