Marinada / Ultramarinada
Album: Ultramarinada   Collection:General
Artist:Marinada   Added:Apr 2012
Label:Slusaj Najglasnije!  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2013-01-19 Pull Date: 2013-03-24
Week Ending: Mar 24 Mar 10 Mar 3 Feb 24 Jan 27
Airplays: 2 1 1 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 23, 2013: The Art Deco Walkout
4. Mar 02, 2013: Airtest
2. Mar 22, 2013: orangeasm (pt2)
5. Feb 23, 2013: Slanford and Sponge
3. Mar 07, 2013: The Sunset Life
6. Jan 26, 2013: The Base of A Dream is Empty

Album Review
Grumpy Sean
Reviewed 2013-01-14
Marinada is a Croatian quartet who (at least on this release) have yet to find a delay pedal or looping effect they don't like. Minimalist, hypnotic, synths and heavily-processed guitar / bass, hushed/often buried male vocals (all in Croatian), perhaps a less pretentious version of The XX? Excellent gray weather / late night music, everything worthy of play.

NO FCCs NOTED (but note that I don't speak Croatian)

RIYL: dark clouds, drizzle, Eno, Fripp, Pere Ubu in its ambient moments.

1. free/dn, slow build-up with chanting vox, atmosphereic
2. dn, echoing, looping, rondo-esque effect
3. dn, moody, droney
4. dn, more bleep / bloop, theremin in the background?
5. dn, almost has a pop melody, tricky a capella ending
6. dn, spooky synth wail counterpoint to low-end
7. dn, wavering synth and spacey plucked guitars with choral effects
8. dn+, more choralized vox and an odd cold synth squiggle to end
9. dn+, static pops as percussion, guitars piped in from the next room, a capella ending
10. dn, looping, pinging
11. dn/free, vocals only (though treated), reminiscent of Balkan men's choirs
12. dn+, pinging synths along with super echo-return circular vox
13. dn+, more swirly synth that throbs through the vocals until dropping to lower simpler finish

Track Listing
1. Mjesto   8. Zemlja
2. Hajde   9. Pjesnik
3. Jedinstvo   10. Na Kraju Procesije
4. Magicna   11. Ultra
5. Bratstvo   12. Plavi Brod
6. Ne Dolaze U Obzir   13. Glazba
7. Nosferatu   .