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Sat Jan 13, 2018 9:30pm - 11pm 
Time Artist Track Album/Label
Taj Mahal Stack-O-Lee
Labor Of Love / Music Maker Relief Fund
Five Alarm Funk Gods (May The Funk Be With You)
Sweat / Self-Release
Suburban Lawns Gossip Suburban Lawns / IRS
Wall of Voodoo Can't Make Love Wall of Voodoo / I.R.S. Records
House of Freaks My Back Yard Monkey on a Chain Gang / Rhino
Young Jesus Green
S/T / Saddle Creek
The Dukes Of Stratosphear My Love Explodes 25 O'clock / Virgin Records (Modern)
Smothers Brothers They Call the Wind Maria The Songs and Comedy of the Smothers Brothers / Mercury Records
Ed Haynes Splash! Sings Ed Haynes / Apache Records
The Monsieurs Suburban Girls
Deux / Slovenly Recordings
They Might Be Giants Nightgown of the Sullen Moon Miscellaneous T / (Unknown)
Harry Belafonte When the Saints Go Marching In Belafonte at Carnegie Hall / RCA Victor
Xtc Another Satellite Skylarking / Geffen Records
Poi Dog Pondering Fact of Life Poi Dog Pondering / Columbia
The Vapors Spiders Magnets / Liberty Records
Alex Cameron Politics Of Love
Forced Witness / Secretly Canadian Records
Midnight Oil Helps Me Helps You Red Sails In The Sunset / Columbia
Banda Magda Vem Morena
Tigre / Verve Music Group