Daft Punk / Homework
Album: Homework   Collection:General
Artist:Daft Punk   Added:Mar 1997
Label:Virgin Records (Modern)  

Recent Airplay
1. May 04, 2023: The Aleko Show
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4. Mar 05, 2022: Everything
2. Mar 08, 2023: The Aleko Show
Da Funk
5. Feb 03, 2022: Stop Making Sense
Around the World
3. Mar 28, 2022: Everything (rebroadcast from Mar 5, 2022)
6. Nov 15, 2018: Remix | Reading and Writing DJ Culture

Album Review
Reviewed 2017-03-24
“Homework” is the first of many albums Daft Punk released and includes a variety of styles including straight up loops to club to house and party. Released in 1997, this album is how Daft Punk started and how they became living legends. Almost all of these songs can be used as break songs as they are pretty repetitive and long (except for track 2 and 16). There are no FCC violations in the album, and most of the tracks don’t have lyrics.

1. Odd start with distorted vocals, yet nice looping and effects. Mainly drum ‘n bass
2. Very short, but nice as a sound bed. Halfway through it has a huge announcement saying “you're listening to wdpk 83.7, exclusively Daft Punk!” If doing a Daft Punk marathon, good to start with
3. Weird start with police interrupting a party, but mainly clubbing until the end. No vocals
4. *This song is great, mid-tempo with screaming synth lead repeating an ongoing riff. Gets pretty repetitive, but very funky. Dual synths at the end :) No lyrics
5. Drums start the first 45 seconds. Mainly just a loop of nice percussion and synth keys but has some cool build ups. Also, very melodic bass line. No lyrics
6. *Actual water waves start, with nice soothing guitar intro. Song starts at around 50 seconds, but water is worth it. One of the only tracks that uses guitar. No lyrics
7. ***My pick for best song of the album and the smash hit of the record. Mainly consists of a killer bass line with the repeating anthem of “around the world”. Multiple sections including bass solo and build ups. Mostly drum ‘n bass with synth overlays.
8. Long drum start. Build starts at 21 seconds. Consists of many screaming, and honestly quite annoying fuzzed synths and guitars that kinda ruin an otherwise good song. No lyrics
9. A quite good track consisting of a washy bass and cool vocal shots, however, they list around 40 or so djs in order to pay tribute to their idols. It’s nice at the start, but gets kinda annoying. There are some breaks in the dj listings.
10. *Very cool electric drum pattern. Consists of edited vocals and synth saxophone that creates a sort of jazzy vibe in a club instrumentation. Also has the feel of some of today’s pop ballads with out different sections (pretty much all one large section with buildups). Vocals are very repetitive but are in french :D
11. Drums start, however what seems like an error at first but is actually part of the music enters and is quite annoying. It almost pains the ears. Would not recommend. No lyrics
12. Robotic and electronic percussion with one note bass. Repeating anthem of “Oh Yeah”.
13. This track has the same issue as 11 and 8, weird, high pitched, and annoying sounds ruin the song as it is very hard to listen to. Would not recommend. No lyrics
14. *Similar to track 7, fun and lighthearted while still keeping a cool club vibe. Very repetitive, but makes up in build ups and instrumentation switches. Faster tempo. No lyrics
15. Another one of this records hits. Very synthy bass and keys with what seems like real acoustic drums. Very simple songs with many loops. Mid tempo, no lyrics.
16. Very short 50-second clip that is really a reversed portion of track four xD. Good to show off what this album is about as it reflects a lot of what the album has to offer, including instrumentation and tempo. No lyrics

-DJ C-Low

Track Listing
1. Draftendirekt   9. Teachers
2. Wdpk 83.7 Fm   10. High Fidelity
3. Revolution   11. Rock'n Roll
4. Da Funk   12. Oh Yeah
5. Phoenix   13. Burnin'
6. Fresh   14. Indo Silver Club
7. Around the World   15. Alive
8. Rollin & Scratchin'   16. Funk Ad