Blades, Brian & The Fellowship Band / Body & Shadow
Album: Body & Shadow   Collection:Jazz
Artist:Blades, Brian & The Fellowship Band   Added:Dec 2017
Label:B B Records  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2018-01-10 Pull Date: 2018-03-14 Charts: Jazz
Week Ending: Mar 11 Feb 18
Airplays: 1 1

Recent Airplay
1. Mar 10, 2018: Music Casserole
Broken Leg Days
2. Feb 17, 2018: Old Fart at Play
Body & Shadow (Noon)

Album Review
Tom McCarter
Reviewed 2018-01-02
Reviewed: 2018-01-02
Genre: Jazz
FCCs: none
Review: Drummer Blades & band have been performing together for 20 years. The focus is on the ensemble creating magic together instead of featured solos. Here they present American performed as jazz. Most of the material here is subdued, yet engaging.
If You Like: Charkes Lloyd, Nels Cline
Track Review (favorites denoted by*):
*1/ Within Everything (3:03) - piano starts> slow tempo jam> quick fade
*2/ Body and Shadow (Noon) (3:09) - guitar starts> slow tempo spacy jam> quick fade
3/ Traveling Mercies (4:32) - piano starts> midtempo jam builds in intensity then mellows again> fade
4/ Have Thine Own Way, Lord (Solo) (1:20) - slow harmonium solo> fade
5/ Have Thine Own Way, Lord (Band) (1:14) -piano starts> slow tempo jam> fade
6/ Body and Shadow (Morning) (1:43) - guitar starts> slow tempo spacy jam> slow fade
*7/ Duality (8:21) - piano starts> midtempo jam> piano solo swings into uptempo jam> sax solo slows to slow tempo jam> wailing sax solo> midtempo jam> fade
* 8/ Body and Shadow (Night) (2:57) - bass starts> slow tempo jam> stop
*9/ Broken Leg Days (5:20) - piano starts slow> swings to midtempo jam> sax solo swings into uptempo jam & slows to slow tempo jam> fade

Track Listing
1. Within Everything   5. Have Thine Own Way Lord (Band)
2. Body & Shadow (Noon)   6. Body & Shadow (Morning)
3. Traveling Mercies   7. Duality
4. Have Thine Own Way Lord (Solo)   8. Body & Shadow (Night)
  9. Broken Leg Days