Ramey, India / Snake Handler
Album: Snake Handler   Collection:Country
Artist:Ramey, India   Added:Nov 2017

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2017-11-12 Pull Date: 2018-01-14 Charts: Country/Bluegrass

Album Review
Kim Walter
Reviewed 2017-11-15
India Ramey, “Snake Handler”
Reviewed by: Kim Walter, Nov 2017
This songwriter’s greatest gift is her voice, which is “an instrument punctuated by the light drawl of her hometown and the quick tremor of her vibrato.” She has a voice that can give you goosebumps. I love her voice, but some of the more country songs are tedious.

1*. Med - The music evokes an old movie, sultry bar scene.
2. Med - Upbeat twangy country music.
3. Med - mellow, upbeat female country rock.
4. Med/Fast - Country rock with fast tempo
5*. Slow - Wow! Mellow song with crystal clear vocals
6*. Slow - Standout track - sounds vintage.
7. Med - Female country
8*. Slow/Med - Story about small country life.
9*. Med - Acoustic strumming and story
10*. Slow - Completely unlike 1-9. Sounds more like progressive rock

Track Listing
1. Snake Handler   6. Devil's Den
2. Devil's Blood   7. Stone's Throw
3. The Baby   8. Rome To Paris
4. The Trees   9. The Charlatan
5. Drowned Town   10. Saying Goodbye