Raveonettes, the / Chain Gang of Love
Album: Chain Gang of Love   Collection:General
Artist:Raveonettes, the   Added:Sep 2003
Label:Sony Music  

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2003-10-27 Pull Date: 2003-12-29
Week Ending: Dec 28 Dec 21 Dec 14 Nov 30 Nov 23 Nov 16 Nov 9 Nov 2
Airplays: 1 1 1 2 3 1 5 3

Recent Airplay
1. May 30, 2024: down in the basement
New York Was Great
4. Jan 25, 2024: down in the basement
New York Was Great
2. May 23, 2024: down in the basement
Let's Rave on
5. Jan 11, 2024: down in the basement
The Love Gang
3. Apr 04, 2024: down in the basement
The Great Love Sound
6. Aug 24, 2023: down in the basement
Chain Gang of Love

Album Review
Elias (Dr Furious)
Reviewed 2003-10-06
Play this fucker!!! ONE OF THE BEST FOR 2003. The Raveonettes are the latest rage from Denmark and YES! they are all what they're cracked to be and more. SURFY ELECTROCLASH meets EARLY 90s BRIT-POP (House of Love, Blur). Dreamy psych-pop (sometimes i think sugary Motown-style or breathy and with delay just like most Brit pop vocals of the late 80s- early 90s), reverby power popy garage guitars and shitloads of feedback distortion and noise. If Quintin Tarantino and David Lynch were to make a collaboritive film, this would make the perfect soundtrack. A lethal blend of Suicide, House of Love, the Shirelles, Imperial Teen, and the Ventures. I must be outta my mind. You think...? Play this before dj Riina spins it to the ground (nordic connections and all).

PLAY: 6, 8, 2, 11, 4 (but every track can equally appeal to you)

1. BritPop feel and production in the vocals. Psych tambourine. Twangy power pop guitars; fully distorted.
2. Trashy electroclashy noise for intro. Heavy distorted bass line. Pretty guitar riff crescendo. Awesome jungly guitars and bells. Brit pop vocals.
3. Psych hand-claps, spacy melodic vocals. Shitloads of sonic noise...!!!
4. Electroclashy beat base. Very Noisy. Pretty vox. Surfy guitars and spacy reverbs.
5. More noise and electroclashy beats with propelling garagy vocals.
6. AWESOME-AWESOME SURF RIFF with electroclashy beat kicking. Rocking reverby guitar chorus. It rocks!
7. Electroclashy beeps, spacy vocals and guitar leads. Lots of noise effects.
8. Garage rock with catchy and frenetic vocal crescendo. Great guitar riffs.
9. FCCs (fuck). Noisy. Pretty melodies. The main groove rips off some popular 50s-60s tune that i am blacking out on right now (think it was an all-girl vocal group on Motown).
10. Bouncy, fresh, careless. Surfy!!! Electroclashy beats on the drum machine.
11. Clever! The sound of chain gang at work bacomes the main rhythm. Chimes and bells. Gotta love the REVERB!!!
12. Psych vocals and guitar riffs. Heavy electroclash beat coupled to bells.
13. Divine power-pop guitar riffs. Uplifting and fun! Nice noisy effects!

Track Listing
1. Remember   7. Love Can Destroy Everything
2. The Great Love Sound   8. Heartbreak Stroll
3. Noisy Summer   9. Little Animal
4. The Love Gang   10. Untamed Girls
5. Let's Rave on   11. Chain Gang of Love
6. Dirty Eyes   12. The Truth About Johnny
  13. New York Was Great