Don Caballero / American Don
Album: American Don   Collection:General
Artist:Don Caballero   Added:Oct 2000
Label:Touch and Go  

Recent Airplay
1. May 16, 2024: Oh Messy Life
Fire Back About Your New Baby's Sex
4. Feb 18, 2014: Setting Fire to the Lab
Fire Back About Your New Bab
2. Feb 10, 2015: Setting Fire to the Lab
Haven't Lived Afro Pop
5. May 10, 2012: The Fall of Math
Ones All Over the Place
3. Jan 13, 2015: Setting Fire to the Lab
Fire Back About Your New Bab

Album Review
Reviewed 2001-09-02
Don Cab's music defies description and can only be adequately appreciated when listened to from start to finish. This indie rock trio (now) from Chicago plays uncompromising instrumental math rock. They work in free-from song structures in which they exchange and interchange intricate rhythmic patterns, creating a sound that is both playful and schizophrenic. These songs get much of their emotional charge from the heavy, driving drums. To sum Don Cab up in two words: far out. Every one of these fine tracks is worth pondering on, but if you're not willing to go out on a limb, note that playability is inversely related to track time. My favs are 1,2,3,7.

1. (4:43) Lively drums create lots of energy and lift. Jarring exchanges between meters and stereo effects create tension, excitement.

2. (10:36) Slower, jazzy groove throughout the entire ten minute journey. Completely changes character no less than 4 times, but the transitions are so seamless that you don't perceive them until the end.

3. (7:35) This incredible track is a constant phase shift. Suddenly one idea becomes another by displacing just one element. First the guitar will pick up a new theme, then later the bass, then the drums will move somewhere else, so that it's constantly shifting while remaining the same. Mesmerizing or tedious depending on the listener.

4. (2:41) Brief, frenzied jam. Bombastic drums carry it to the end.

5. (9:01) Pretty halo of mathy, circular melodies from layered guitars. Becomes very bouncy and driving after that 3-min intro, and the old melody becomes inverted. Features some punchy, acrobatic drumming.

6. (4:59) Some fierce drumming and pounding basslines harken to their metalish past. This track drops a heavy beat.

7. (5:36) Opens with an emotive guitar line, then unfolds into a rollicking section with emo harmonies. A busy, frenetic passage interrupts once, and then it fades away.

8. (5:24) Quirky, pinpoints of guitar focused around a few notes. Bouncy, catchy even. Just when you thought they would stick to one idea, enter bizarre cascasdes of sliding guitar notes. Still bouncy, catchy even.

9. (5:10) Neat machine gun opening w/menacing bassline. Drummer adheres to a pounding rhythm. Spastic arpeggiations from the guitarist. Big finish.

Track Listing
1. Fire Back About Your New Bab   5. Ones All Over the Place
2. The Peter Criss Jazz   6. I Never Liked You
3. Haven't Lived Afro Pop   7. Details on How to Get Iceman
4. You Drink a Lot of Coffee Fo   8. A Lot of People Tell Me I Ha
  9. Let's Face It Pal, You Didn'