Guster / Ooh La La
Album: Ooh La La   Collection:A-File
Artist:Guster   Added:May 2024

A-File Activity
Add Date: 2024-05-27 Pull Date: 2024-07-29
Week Ending: Jun 2
Airplays: 3

Recent Airplay
1. May 31, 2024: KZSU Time Traveler
The Elevator, All Day, Keep Going, This Heart Is Occupied
3. May 29, 2024: sunday drive
Gauguin, Cézanne (Everlasting Love)
2. May 29, 2024: Comes to Mind
When We Were Stars, The Elevator
4. May 24, 2024: KZSU Time Traveler
Keep Going

Album Review
Francis D
Reviewed 2024-05-19
“Ooh La La” Guster
9th album for the Boston-based alt rock and jangle pop band. Founded in the early 1990s when Adam Gardner, Ryan Miller and Brian Rosenworcel were freshmen at Tufts University. This album — produced by Josh Kaufman (The National, The Hold Steady) — moves away from the cool sonic textures of Guster’s 2019 release to create a richer, more expansive palette, blending acoustic guitar, piano, organ, synths, and intriguing rhythms. Lyrics explore the isolation, resilience and ultimately hopefulness of our post-pandemic experience. RIYL: Ben Folds Five, The Shins, the Wallflowers or the Dave Matthews Band.
— Francis

Highly recommended: 5, 3, 9, 10, 1, 6. No FCCs detected.

1. (4:42) This Heart Is Occupied — Breezy and contemplative. Tinkling piano and organ, with strummed and picked guitar. Easygoing beat. ***
2. (4:38) When We Were Stars — Jaunty bongo- and bass-driven groove. Glittery effects and swelling synth strings.
3. (3:24) All Day — Swaying and melodic. Mesmerizing bassline overlayed with synth elements and light, uplifting vocals. Fuller arrangement toward the end. ****
4. (3:18) My Kind — Deliberate pace. Theatrical, jazzy rock. Piano and other keys, with guitar added later.
5. (4:08) Keep Going — Pulsing and swelling synth soundscape, backed by effortless percussion. Easy, calming feeling. Harmonized vocals. Guitar in lead break. ****
6. (4:03) Gauguin, Cézanne (Everlasting Love) — Cosmic and mystical, woven into a synth soundscape. Ethereal vocals. Throaty guitar. ***
7. (3:02) Witness Tree — Starts as a DIY singer-songwriter toe-tapper. Organ, horns, drums and more added about 35 seconds in — resulting in something like a bouncy carnival vibe.
8. (2:58) Black Balloon — Largely acoustic. Heavily reverbed vocals over simple fingerpicked and strummed guitar and light piano. Synth strings near the end. Some distortion.
9. (3:02) The Elevator — Lovely, reassuring folk ballad. Great storytelling vocals. Slapping rhythm. Flowing and shimmery. Catchy! ****
10. (3:44) Maybe We’re Alright — Sensitive and thoughtful closer. Laid-back, strummed acoustic guitar. Recognizing the passing of time and life’s challenges, but also providing reassurance that “Maybe we’re all right.” ***

Track Listing
1. This Heart Is Occupied   6. Gauguin, Cézanne (Everlasting Love)
2. When We Were Stars   7. Witness Tree
3. All Day   8. Black Balloon
4. My Kind   9. The Elevator
5. Keep Going   10. Maybe We’re Alright